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· Andrew Murray

Books by Andrew Murray in publication order #1.10

As I’ve just completed the series of blog posts on Abide in Christ, I thought it time to compile a list of Andrew Murray’s best known books in publication order. This is also the order I’ll be using to explore the themes in these works.

Over the years we mature and grow in Christ. And so did Andrew Murray. It’s important therefore to know when he wrote a certain book, what inspired him to do so (if that information is available to us), and if he gained new insights into Scripture or was influenced by other writers along the way.

The list includes English works only

I have only itemizes those works written or translated into English during Andrew Murray’s lifetime. Only major works have been included. After his death, many of his articles were compiled into books, and several of his Dutch works were translated into English. Some of these found their way into his pocket-book series, which I’ve listed in full below.


Abide in Christ—Dutch 1864;  English 1882

Like Christ—1884

The New Life—Dutch 1885;  English 1891

With Christ in the School of Prayer—1885

Holy in Christ—1887

The Spirit of Christ—1888

Wholly for God—Dutch 1890;  English 1893

Be Perfect—1893

Jesus Himself—1893

The Holiest of All—1894

Let us Draw Nigh—1894

Power of the Blood of Christ—1894

Why do you not believe—1894

The Master’s Indwelling—1895

The Believers Full Blessing of Pentecost—Dutch 1894; English 1907

Eagle Wings—1895

The Spiritual Life—1895

The Power of the Spirit (Extracts from William Law)—1895

Have Mercy upon Me—1895

Absolute Surrender—1895


Waiting on God—1896

The Divine Indwelling—1896

They Mystery of the True Vine—1897

The Lord’s Table—1897

The Ministry of Intercession—1897


The School of Obedience—1898

The Fruit of the Vine—1898

The Two Covenants—1898

Pray without Ceasing—1898

Divine Healing—1900

Thy Will Be Done—1900

Out of His Fullness—1900

Working for God—1901

The Key to the Missionary Problem—1901

Working for God—1902

The Inner Chamber—1905

Aids to Devotion—1909

The State of the Church—1911

The Prayer Life—1913

The Secret of Intercession (Pocket book)—1914

The Secret of Adoration (Pocket book)—1914

The Secret of the Faith Life (Pocket book)—1915

The Secret of Inspiration (Pocket book)—1916

Back to Pentecost—1917

Pocket-book series

Only the four pocket books indicated above were published during Andrew Murray’s lifetime. His family decided to compile eight more from sermons and shorter articles in keeping with his original idea of having twelve pocket books—one for every month of the year. Below is the complete list in original publication order.

1. The Secret of Intercession

2. The Secret of Adoration

3. The Secret of the Faith Life

4. The Secret of Inspiration

5. The Secret of the Abiding Presence

6. The Secret of United Prayer

7. The Secret of Fellowship

8. The Secret of the Cross

9. The Secret of Brotherly Love

10. The Secret of Power from on High

11. The Secret of Christ Our Life

12. The Secret of the Throne of Grace

© Olea Nel

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